
Above-Device Tactile Feedback

Tactile Feedback for Above-Device Interaction

Above-Device Tactile Feedback is the first project from my PhD research. We ran two studies which looked at giving tactile feedback during above-device gesture interaction with mobile phones.


Interactive Light Feedback

Interactive Light Display

Interactive Light Feedback is a novel way of giving feedback during interaction with small screens, or no screen at all.




Leapify is a Leap Motion controller for Spotify.


Speek Notifications

A screenshot of Speek - an Android app which reads information about your notifications when you cover the proximity sensor.

Speek Notifications is a gesture interface for Android which uses voice to give you information about your phone notifications.


Occlusion Management


An algorithm for managing occlusion on diffused illumination tabletops.


TLX for Android

TLX for Android allows you to administer NASA-TLX surveys on Android devices.




MyLists is an Android application for managing lists and task reminders.