I’m happy to note that I’ve had a full paper [1] accepted to CHI 2017. The paper describes research from the ABBI project, about how sound from wearable and fixed sources can be used to help visually impaired children at school (for more, please see here). The videos in this post include a short description of the paper as well as a longer description of the research and our findings.
[1] Audible Beacons and Wearables in Schools: Helping Young Visually Impaired Children Play and Move Independently
E. Freeman, G. Wilson, S. Brewster, G. Baud-Bovy, C. Magnusson, and H. Caltenco.
In Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems – CHI ’17, 4146-4157. 2017.
PDF DOI Website Video [Bibtex]
author = {Freeman, Euan and Wilson, Graham and Brewster, Stephen and Baud-Bovy, Gabriel and Magnusson, Charlotte and Caltenco, Hector},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '17}},
title = {{Audible Beacons and Wearables in Schools: Helping Young Visually Impaired Children Play and Move Independently}},
year = {2017},
publisher = {ACM},
pages = {4146--4157},
doi = {10.1145/3025453.3025518},
url = {http://euanfreeman.co.uk/research/#abbi},
video = {{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGQmt1NeAGQ}},
pdf = {http://research.euanfreeman.co.uk/papers/CHI_2017.pdf},